To our News21 partners
Thank you for your interest in the News21 project on police reform and accountability in America. Our journalists have produced a multimedia package of 14 main investigative and explanatory stories, nearly 20 pieces of bonus content, plus three podcast episodes and several video stories. We also will publish Spanish-language stories, videos and audio pieces. Media outlets are welcome to use any piece of content – free of charge – so long as you agree to our terms and conditions.
Thank you,
News21 staff
Terms of use
Media partners interested in publishing or airing News21 work must agree to our terms and conditions. These terms apply to any content pulled from this downloads repository, the project website or third-party distribution channels, including the Cronkite News client site. It applies to text, video and audio stories, photos and illustrations, video, data visualizations and data analysis.
Media partners must credit News21 and the author by full name on any content published or aired, regardless of platform. This includes both the bylines and photo/video credits and the News21 creditline. See the branding section below for additional instructions.
In addition, organizations must agree to run corrections on News21 content. Contact Executive Editor Christina Leonard at for inclusion on our distribution list.
News organizations may edit content for style or add News21-produced elements to other stories as long as the work is properly attributed to News21.
The Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication owns the copyright to all News21-produced work. When downloading and publishing content from News21, media partners understand and agree there is no exclusive right to the content, which other media organizations also may use.
We request that media partners publish News21 content in front of online paywalls. News21 also may reach out to request analytic information on individual stories.
We ask partners to list the following information when publishing News21 content:
Bylines and credit lines
Please provide the full name of individual journalists whose work you air or publish. For example: Jane Doe/News21. Credit can be found in the bylines at the top of text stories or as credit lines for audio, video, data visualizations and photos. In addition, we appreciate your inclusion of the credit lines you’ll find at the bottom of all stories sent to you. These acknowledge our contributing reporters.
We appreciate a link to the full project. For example:
This report is part of “In Pursuit,” an investigation into police reform and accountability in America, produced by the Carnegie-Knight News21 program. For more stories, visit
You may want to provide a fuller explanation of the project with the link, as follows:
About this project: This report is part of “In Pursuit,” a project produced by the Carnegie-Knight News21 initiative, a national investigative reporting project by top college journalism students and recent graduates from across the country. It is headquartered at the Cronkite School at Arizona State University.
Download the In Pursuit logo and News21 logo packs for svg files.
Main content downloads

Oct. 14, 2022
La policía en una ciudad de Colorado trabaja para generar confianza con la comunidad de inmigrantes

Oct. 13, 2022
Fighting hate: Approaches range from expanding hate crime definitions to gathering data
Bonus Content Downloads
EDITOR’S NOTE: In addition to our main project stories, we’re offering “bonus content.” Check out our stories here.